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发布:2021年03月15日  浏览:28286 次


杭州制氧机集团股份有限公司(以下简称杭氧)1950 年建厂,1956 年研制成功我国第一套空气分离设备。在70 年的发展中,杭氧坚守空分主业,始终走在中国空分行业发展的最前列,引领着中国空分技术不断向前发展。

HangZhou oxygen plant group co., Ltd (herein after refers to Hangyang) was founded in1950 and successfully developed the first set of air separation unit (herein after refers to ASU) in China in 1956. In the 70 years of development, Hangyang has been sticking to the development of cryogenic technology, leading the advancing of China's ASU industry.

杭氧主要从事空气分离设备、稀有气体提取装置、低温石化装备、航空航天装备等成套设备及配套部机的设计制造,工业气体的生产销售和工程总承包业务。产品广泛应用于冶金、石油化工、煤化工、航天航空等关乎国民经济命脉的各个领域。杭氧拥有全球规模最大的空分设备制造基地,产品覆盖了目前世界空分设备的全系列,具有设计制造当今全球最大的单套空分制氧量15 m3/h 空分设备以及年制氧量180 m3/h 以上的能力。空分设备制氧量连续多年保持全球第一。

HangYang is mainly engaged in the design and manufacture of ASU, rare gas equipment, cryogenic petrochemical unit, aerospace equipment and other auxiliary equipment and components, the industrial gas service and EPC contracting business. Products are widely applied in metallurgy, petrochemical industry, coal chemical industry, aerospace and aviation and so on which are critical to national economy. HangYang owns the largest ASU manufacturing base in the world, covering the whole series of ASU in the world, with the ability to design and manufacture identical ASU as big as 150,000 Nm3/h (O2) and manufacturing capacity reaches 30sets of 60,000Nm3/h or equivalent annually. The total oxygen production made by Hangyang ASUs has been in the lead many years.

杭氧大中型空分设备国内市场占有率始终保持国内第一,产品销往世界40 多个国家,包括美国、德国、瑞士等欧美发达国家和一带一路沿线国家。杭氧不仅是我国机械工业首次向西方发达国家出口先进技术和设备的企业, 也是至今唯一向欧美发达国家出口大型空分设备的企业。

The domestic market share of Hangyang's large ASU has always been the first in China, and ASUs are sold to more than 40 countries in the world, including the United States, Germany, Switzerland and other European and American developed countries and countries along the "Belt and Road". Hangyang is not only the first enterprise in China's machinery industry to export advanced technology and equipment to developed countries in the West, but also the only enterprise that exports large ASUs to developed countries in Europe and America.

在空分技术方面,杭氧不断从量的积累到质的飞跃,目前多项关键技术已经达到世界领先水平。2017 年,杭氧通过一系列的技术研发和创新,研制成功了配套世界级煤化工项目神华宁煤400 万吨/ 年煤炭间接液化项目六套国际领先的10 万等级空分设备,整体技术达到世界领先水平。在自动变负荷、一键启动等空分智能化关键技术上, 在氖、氦、氪、氙稀有气体提取设备上,杭氧都有了成功实践。

In terms of cryogenic technology, HangYang continues to make great progress, and a large number of critical technologies have reached the world's leading level. In 2017, through a years of hard work, Hangyang successfully finished six sets of 100,000Nm3/h ASU for Shenhua NingXia Coal to oil project with world-class performance. Hangyang has successfully practiced in critical technologies of ASU such as automatic load change, one-button start and rare gas extraction equipment for neon, helium, krypton and xenon.

近年来,杭氧进入工业气体领域,拥有近40家气体公司,已成为中国民族工业最有影响力的综合型气体供应商, 实现了由单纯制造向服务型制造的战略转型升级。

In recent years, Hangyang has entered the field of industrial gases and has nearly 40 gas companies. It has become the most influential gas supplier in China's industry and has realized the strategic upgrading from pure manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing.

杭氧凭借在空分设备领域的技术和品牌优势,作为高端装备制造业的典范,2018 年入选央视《大国重器》大型纪录片第二季(《造血通脉》专题片),进一步提升了杭氧在国内外用户中的美誉度、忠诚度和认知度。

Based on the technical and brand advantages in the field of ASU, Hangyang, as a model of high-end equipment manufacturer, was selected by CCTV in 2018 for the second season of the documentary series " The pillars of a great power " ("Hematopoietic Pulse" feature film), further promoting Hangyang’s reputation, reliability and recognition among users at home and abroad.
